Communications and Marketing

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3184

Young man pointing to an ad that he is featured in on an 十大菠菜台子 electronic marquee.


University Communications and Marketing (UCM) manages the three-sided electronic marquee at Walton and Adams, which displays external marketing messages to advance university goals. Strengthening OU’s academic mission and broadening the scope of its community engagement are top priorities.

十大菠菜台子 departments may submit message requests to promote events and topics appealing to and engaging the general public. Approved messages are posted as scheduling permits.

UCM reserves the right to reject requests falling outside the marquee’s external marketing purpose, and to edit submitted message drafts to meet University brand guidelines. Approved messages are posted at no cost.
Submission of Message Requests

请申请空间 contact your account manager 根据您的要求. If a marquee message is one component of a larger marketing or communications project, it should be discussed in conjunction with overall project planning.

The content in marquee message requests should be written as concisely as possible and include no more than five basic elements:

  1. The presenting department or unit
  2. The event name or topic of interest to the general public
  3. The day and date of the event (如果适用的话)
  4. 不需要URL
  5. 没有QR码

部门或单位 that develop 年度活动日历 – 体育运动; Music, Theatre and Dance; Admissions; 梅多布鲁克剧院; 草地溪厅; for example – need not submit separate requests for each event. Calendars can be submitted in whole to the department’s or unit’s account manager. 部门或单位 should not plan on more than two graphic to be live on the marquee at one time.

UCM recommends that all message requests be submitted well in advance of desired run times. Creation of message artwork may be subject to UCM art department scheduling, which could require days or weeks of lead time.

选框 Content Management

Each approved marquee message will be displayed in 10-second intervals in a rotation of 18 advertisements in cycles running throughout the day. This ensures at least 1 hour of total screen time per day on each of the three screens.

Message spots within daily playlists have been strategically allocated as outlined below to advance the University's mission. Designated administrators will resolve any conflicts arising from a number of requests exceeding the number of available spots. Decisions will be made based on timeliness of approved messages, their applicability to University strategic priorities and other considerations administrators deem relevant.

Message requests may be submitted as far in advance of an event as the person or department submitting the request wishes. UCM cannot guarantee that requests submitted with less than one week of lead time will be posted.


This three sided display is located at the corner of Adams and Walton.

  • The top portion of the screen is 7ft by 19ft (Also 1920w x 768h pixels).
  • The bottom portion of the sign is 4ft by 19ft (Also 1920w x 384h pixels).

The resolution is 300dpi and the preferred format is JPEG.

If you are a company hoping to increase your visibility immediately then contact (电子邮件保护) for more information and increase you reach today!

  1. Avoid bright backgrounds, white needs to be reduced by 50%
  2. 字号要大
  3. 使用无衬线字体
  4. Avoid crowding display areas